# of watchers: 75
| D20: 15 |
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Friendly: | 0 |
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Joost, you have a member support thingy at the bottom of your page. I just don't need flashy graphics or borders to get my point across. text does it just fine.
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: Of course! you guys deserve support :)
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: awesomeness!
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: Of course, I see your point [Tear] but a well organized page does help.
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: AJ, If I build a page, I want it to be full with graphics and good looking. It's my thing ;)
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: yer dwemer i need to suport u
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: Hell yeah ;)
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: done
2005-07-28 [Tear]: I know Joost. I just kinda did mine resume` style, but I violated the first rule of making a resume` and used "I", lol.
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: Wha?
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol o well, tear have i serpoted you yet
2005-07-28 [Tear]: When you make a resume`, they tell you to try and not use "I" when refering to yourself.
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Yes, A.J. you have.
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: yer i know
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: *scratches head*
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: wikid who that i chat to havent i serpoted
2005-07-28 [Tear]: YES!! STUPID HATS GONE COOL! Lol. I am the only one who posted a picture with a du rag, bandana, and a puppy as a hat.
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: lol
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol and u make them look o so cool
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: thats mean
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Thanks, darlin'. And I don't try to make them look cool, they just come off like that because I have such an oh-so cool aura.
2005-07-28 [Tear]: It isn't mean. What more do I need up there then what I have?
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: o.o its not mean Im just stating a fact it is simple lol
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: actually everyone's is looking pretty good =)
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: thanks your to
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: Well, who has the most detailed one ??
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: I kinda hope this doesnt turn into a "support me or die" type of thing :/
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: and can i add GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: ???
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: lol the most detailed one hmm
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: i duno
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: Joost you've done so much you shouldnt be here! lol j/k =P
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: there all pretty good :)
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: every one of them
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: w00t for all of us!
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Joosty here is a work-a-holic. And AJ, hold on a second.
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: We should make a crew of our own! lol.
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: let do what riot said
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: I don't know, I'm not a rebel type 0_o
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: lmao =D is it a pretty cool idea though
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: yer
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: o yer tear your 007 now lol
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: Haha, i wouldn't expect it of you Joost lol.
2005-07-28 [Tear]: SHWEET! I am a secret spy dude. Hey Joost, Kelly made me a banner, so i guess I am going to have to post one up anyway, lol.
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: *bubbles* ^^
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: What? Not being a rebel ?
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: Sha :)
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: *gasp*
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: Im going to shoot my wiki O.O
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: no tear im thought you was two head strong
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: lol
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: *shakes head*
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: awwww he put it up ^_^
2005-07-28 [Tear]: If i were to be going to the artists side I would be scanning my work. But yeah, Kelly wsa nice enough to make it for me, so i have to use it, though I asked her not to. It was the thought that counts.
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: *in deep voice* you dont know the power of the art side
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: O.O
2005-07-28 [Tear]: I do. I just choose not to put my work up here at Elfpack.
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: So, what do you people hope to achieve ;) ?
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: Do you put it on Elftown?
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: lol exactly what the wiki si for =o I think =/
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: o lol
2005-07-28 [Tear]: OMG LYK I R WUNT 2 GT R1D 0F DUMM13S!
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: O.o leet speaking ooooh
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: That's a bad thought.
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: OMFG! I jUsT wAnT a BiGgEr CyBeR ShAcK!
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: lmao
2005-07-28 [Kaos101]: o.0
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: im going to Gunbound see you guys later =D *hands out cookies & such* 0.0
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: 0o
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: No really, what do you guys hope to achieve ?
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Riot girl, you can share my cyber shack anytime, lol. Wait, i just got e-married... nevermind
2005-07-28 [Tear]: I have my goals posted in my thingamajig, Joosty.
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: as I recall, you're not too narrow minded about having more than 1 playmate ;-)
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: pmsl, tear you maid me moist
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: LOL XD
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: *walks back* Did someone said ''playmate'' ?
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: xD
2005-07-28 [Tear]: I know, Mom. Theoretically, mom, if you check Jons family, I married his sister, while I am his uncle. So i would be your brother and son-in-law, lol
2005-07-28 [Tear]: AJ did you cream your pants? lol
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: Dude, your not from texas! >.<
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: LOL!!!
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: People, please don't use google for this. What's the first thing you think of after reading this: Jan Peter Balkenende ?
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Incest? I dunno. And I am from Florida, but I am thinking about relocating to Kentucky, lol
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: i used google
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: Incest? LOL ^_^
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: JPB: I see him!! quick, gimme a slingshot so I can knock him out (hopefully to kingdom come)
2005-07-28 [Tear]: I dunno, i still didn't figure it out. *googles it*
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: nah, i think its legal in your case [Tear]. I'm on my Granddad's computer so I better not use google lol.
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: *offfers slingshot* ;)
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: *shoots* damn! missed him!
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Who is this JPB? Jan Peter Balkenende?? Who the hell is this guy?
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: I was thinking that myself...
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: *offers ColtSniperRifl
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: the dutch prime-minister
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: i just look at google
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: *shoots* Note: ex prime-minister ;)
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: and why, may I ask, do you hate him so much?
2005-07-28 [Tear]: How about the Mao Tse Dong?
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: I really really really dislike him, I don't trust him one bit...
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: tell me what come's in to your mind when i say 'bob as no balls'
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: Ask why not, I don't have all day ;)
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: good one joost! hahaha
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: LOL ;D
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: Ok, give me just one reason then... the main one.
2005-07-28 [Tear]: hey Joost, who was it that i planned on assassinating Bush with?
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: who is joost? lol
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: That Bob had a tragic accident...
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: awwww
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: he always makes everything sound peachy, like we have no problems at all, and how well this government listens to "the people". Well, newsflash: this country is a mess, things are getting worse, and they really don't listen
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: Joost = the ever wonderful [Dwemer]!!
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: ehm... that would be 3 reasons hehe
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: Propaganda bastards.... >.<
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: I'm Joost, and you have to check this out! Very Important Secret Here! Here! !!
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol wikid
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Joost, when Kelly goes to where you live, tell me, and give me an address, and then I will ship all my chinese weapons of mass destruction and we can take the bastard out.
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: yay!!!! I want some too!!!! oh no, wait, we already have political murderers here.. wouldn't be original... damn...
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: Signing off now people, byes ^_^
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: buh-bye
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: yer cya all im going to, was fun
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Ciao, Joosty. Sooo... mom... how did you become a mother anyway?
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: I wanna go too but I don't wanna miss the fun! Tnis is really cool how so many worth while peope have gathered on one wiki page! No asholes here.
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: what riot? no asholes here?
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: [Tear]: that whole thing kinda started when [Kt_says] gave me the nickname "Mommy Ama". And since I seem to have a little bit overly active mother's instinct, most people quite easily picked that name up ;-)
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: *Assholes (stupid keyboard).
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: no i dident mean it like that loli meant im sorta an asshole lol
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: I'm gone... I bid you all a good night. *mwah!* See ya :)
2005-07-28 [Love like Winter.]: No, your not.
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: nite sugar :)
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: wikid! cya riot im gonna stay
2005-07-28 [Tear]: *is an asshole* But that wasn't what I meant, mom.
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: looks like it'll be pretty quiet here though, I'm gonna sign off soon too, midnight here...
2005-07-28 [Tear]: BYE MOM!
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: cya mum
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: ^_^ nite nite :)
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: so who does everyone think will get it?
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: okay, too curious here... Get what exactly?
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: yer
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: the crew postiton
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Get a spot, i think she means. And this is open for anyone. Anytime. There is no set amount of spots that are open, to my knowledge.
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: ah, that... well, this is not a contest, simply a place where EP members can make theirselves known and inform the existing crew what they'd like to be doing :)
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: lol sorry, my head is fryed! ive had soo much to do today ><
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: yer tears right, like sunrose said if she needs help she will ask for it
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Mom, which of us are already considered crew? Because i work in a few places here already.
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: hehehe that's okay. Anyways, since my curiousity now has been satisfied, I'm really signing off... buh-bye :)
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Ciao darlin'.
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: cya
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: bubi hun
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: cya :'( now the partys died lol
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: *puts on music* oh reali !?
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: nope! =D *moshes*
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: *moshes with u* see...
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: true *hugs*
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: "hey its not a bout the moshing, its about the dancing" - riding in vans with boys^^
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: *huggles back* we rule!
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol Vans shoes rock my no fear soks!
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: lol! yeah! i love Vans, but i like allstars cons too.....
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: converse, wikid
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: lol! yup >< i unfortinulaty dont have a pair, i want them..and a pair of new rock boots! lush
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: new rock!!!!!!!!!!
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: hehe! yup^^ new rock and my tarten skirt would go soooo well
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: yer but i have a new salt t-shert and a no fear one, and check out my pic in my hosue
2005-07-28 [Tear]: What happened?
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: me n black are having a gothic chat
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: i did, kool!..well, i love my new corset! so im happy^^.....*p
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Oh deary me. I'll go back to bathing my neice then. I'll be back in a half hour or so.
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: awww!! thats cute!
2005-07-28 [Tear]: I get to watch the baby today, lol.
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: lol wikid, you realy love hir dont you, its soooo wikid
2005-07-28 [Tear]: She's my world.
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: aw thats so cute! aw..i just wanna cuddle u now aj! *cuddles u* my baby cousins are my world..
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: good :P
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Wait a second, Which A.J.? You have two in front of you.
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: yer true, chosse
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: well i ment [Tear] but...*huggles both anyway*
2005-07-28 [Tear]: Awww. I feel loved.
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: hehe! awwwww
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: well, i gotta go too, i have art work i need to finish b4 tomorrow! >< darn it!...too many ppl want things!
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: same cya all
2005-07-28 [Nevermore.]: bubi hun
2005-07-28 [Ajsinnott]: bubi!
2005-07-29 [Dwemer]: So how's everybody doing this day ?
2005-07-29 [Ajsinnott]: im good and you
2005-07-29 [Ajsinnott]: yey that means you will be online more, right?
2005-07-29 [DenDen]: *rubs eyes* ahh
2005-07-29 [Ajsinnott]: pussy!!!!
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